BJM: Strategies for Implementing Price Increases in the B2B Uncertain Market 101

Before you take action about adjusting your business prices, packages, services, etc. Make sure you think long and very hard. ‘Cause you could either end up shooting yourself in the foot or making more money to stay alive. Especially during…

AI-Driven Predictive Analytics for Commercial Real Estate Investment 101

[Commercial real estate investors are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics to gain valuable insights and make informed investment decisions. AI-driven predictive analytics leverages sophisticated algorithms and machine learning models to analyze vast amounts of data, allowing…

BJM: The Importance of Data Quality for Successful AI & Data Driven Marketing Campaigns

[Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for digital marketing campaigns, enabling businesses to leverage vast amounts of data to create targeted, personalized experiences for their customers. However, the effectiveness of AI-driven campaigns is only as good as the…

BJM: Digital Marketing For Service Business In Uncertain Times

[In times of economic uncertainty, service businesses need to be strategic and innovative in their marketing efforts to stay afloat. Digital marketing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to attract and retain customers during recessions. By utilizing various…

BJM: Building A Brand Story That Resonates With Prospects Despite Times of High Prices And Shifting Priorities

You clearly have to find a need that people are willing to pay for. You have to be able to scale it. You also have to build a strong brand story for your business. It helps to connect with your…

BJM: Marketing Your Non-Essential Product / Services In A High Interest & Inflationary Times

There are many of you in businesses that many of your customers / targets will label “Don’t Need”, “Luxury”, “Nice-To-Have”, etc. With all the uncertainty-economic talks of 2023 and people thinking several times before spending. . .your non-essential B2B /…
Artificial Intelligence Today & The Experiments

Founders, Investors, & Marketers What To Know, What is Possible With AI Today & The Experiments

Many of you might already be aware of the possible AI tools coming to your Dev stacks, work and personal applications. We witness Google’s AI offers, Microsoft’s AI offers, Adobe’s offers, OpenAI offers, and many more good yet not too…