News, Media and Press

Shaping The Present, & The Next Years With Humanity & Businesses.

Welcome to our media news press page!

This page will showcase different instances where our business has been featured both on and offline. It could also be where we inform and update our teams, partners, employees, investors and the general public. It could be announcements, special promotions, or just anything worth sharing with the media and the community.

MBHVIM Corp ( / is not necessary gravitating to the media or releasing endless press. We are a private management company which means boring stuff however our partner / affiliate companies may have some exciting stories and material for you to digest 24/7. We’ll share them here as well.

Also, we are always on the look out for smart, ambition, credible, universal values, creative, problem solver, always learning, entrepreneurial, always growing-team player person to join us for an opportunity & equity. If all you want is a job to pay bills, we would be a terrible fit. Visit career for ideas.

Our General Media Kit

Our User / Partner Experience

Our Media & Marketing Team

Our Background, Vision, Values, Community Involvements

Our Locations and Company Size

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Stop wasting time and money by doing this all by yourself. Modern marketing and it’s management involve a lot more. We can assist you & your team.

We’d love to hear from you or have a project in mind? lets talk. ***No guarantees of results!

Please chose which best represents you, thanks.
(Please, tell us the purpose of message in as much detail as possible)