BJM Marketing Services More Case Study

More Case Study

***These case study are meant to demonstrate what marketing and our marketing efforts and offerings can help improve your service business.

We have created a mashup of experience from us, team members, partners, and other third party to bring this invaluable insight..

Like we tell every prospect, we encourage test drive before we commit and we encourage you start off with a test drive. Because we have to be able to work together.

The Power of Real Estate Digital Marketing & Soft Marketing

General Quick Brief:  

Known Resort and Residences posed a demanding digital marketing challenge which is typical of many real estate development. To take raw material like land, dirt, labor, etc. and turn it into the most desired opportunity of a life time.

The Client:

A leading Resort & Residence developer. Their target was to attract aspiring affluent demographic population to buy their new vision real estate product.

The Challenges:

To get the target to pick our offering over others and to create the brand & personality that would bring it to life through extensive concept development, and then follow through into conversion into actual sales and marketing of all residential units.

  • Create a variety of brand personality, look & feel, while highlighting the feature of LEED, sustainability, natural beauty, luxury, and hint of exclusivity.
  • Buyers are not always local so had to grow international market awareness as well
  • Consistently create compelling content to grow our interested prospects, databases and keep leads engaged till closing
  • Built a robust prospect pipeline and convert these qualified leads into successful sales

    The Execution:

    The usual sales and marketing tools were used. One was using Google Adwords and Social Ads campaigns designed to create awareness and engagement. Usually no tactics is always going to work all the time. It’s constant refining.·


    • Email marketing campaign to maintain engagement featuring blogs, design inspiration, and real life stories of the benefits & features & amenities.
    • Brought the un-built resort concept to life by building a pop-up show room to showcasing local personalities & neighbors.
    • Demonstrated the cost savings in energy via solar panels and innovative energy management systems
    • Use of soft marketing like images, short clips, following & commenting at prospects social media posts, getting real estate architecture influencers involve, encouraging relevant & non-relevant events

    The Result:

    Fortunately successfully achieved our objectives of growing market awareness, generating high quality leads, and converting leads into successful sales. Went from 0 – 69 out of 90 units sold pre-construction.

    The Power of Hospitality Marketing During & Post Recessions

    General Quick Brief:  

    It was the great recession of 2008. Everything felt like it was never going to get better. Housing crash and lack of lending made real estate investors & general buyers hold back purchase

    The Client:

    A Non-North American Developer & Hospitality Company was trying to stay relevant as well as  lift bottom line.  

    The Challenges:

    Encourage the desire to experience adventure at their hotel properties. Basically to get people interested again. Especially to attract more affluent prospects when prior-recession it was just middle income

    The Execution:

    We set out to emphasize adventure, fun, escape, pleasure, less stress,security, while collaborating with the local community to ease their economic suffering via donations. Also offering stay 3 Days for a set price and the next two would be discounted by 30%.  Promoted offers social media to attract Americans. Added some inexpensive luxury elements

    The Result:

    Revenue went up. Got some impression for the charity work and donations.

    The Power of Building Restorer / General Contractor Using & Improving Landing Pages

    General Quick Brief:

    Did you know it is more effective to send prospects or clients to the site destination they want versus a general page that they have to scroll through forever?

    When someone clicks through on one of your ads, products, services or emails, it’s better to send them to the specific information listed in your ad. Conversion is way faster that way.

    The Client:

    A local B2B service provider (building cleaning and restoration) was just trying to improve their over all marketing tactics and tools.

    The Challenges:

    Their website needed to be redone, branding updated, so they could have much easy access to the tools that help them build lots and lots of landing pages. Their email marketing systems needed to be modernized.

    The Execution:

    Our team is capable of put together a relative low IT cost website  up for business owners. We can even utilize common powerful CMS (Content Management Systems) like WordPress / Drupal however maintenance is a 24/7 ordeal because it’s more sophisticated setup for the non-technical.

    We helped the client put together best WordPress experience for their business use case and are now capable of creating landing pages, running their online shop.

    Also we educated them about how landing pages can also help to increase their organic rankings for relevant keywords.

    The Result:

    Their marketing team are so thrilled about the experience, better tools, ease, and they even noticed increase in site visit & impressions and form submission.

    • Compared to the previous three months period, they’ve seen a 50% increase in impressions
    • They offered their visitors multiple paths to conversion with click-to-call buttons, easy-to-find contact information and a simple contact form.
    • They sent people who clicked through their ads to landing pages with exact-matching content. Customers are happier.
    • Their landing pages provided valuable information to their visitors in the form of text, images, podcast,  and videos.

    Most importantly, they built trust with their improved website and on their multiple landing pages.

    Message_Contact Us

    Get in touch!

    Stop wasting time and money by doing this all by yourself. Modern marketing and it’s management involve a lot more. We can assist you & your team.

    We’d love to hear from you or have a project in mind? lets talk. ***No guarantees of results!

    Please chose which best represents you, thanks.
    (Please, tell us the purpose of message in as much detail as possible)