Life & Business Can Be Hard. Don’t Make It Unnecessarily Harder For Yourself

After many years and hours observing people, One can’t help but wonder why people that could make life much more rewarding and less time dealing with unnecessary-struggling…don’t just stop making life harder?

Some people just like unnecessary suffering for some f#%$@ reason. They clearly could reduce probability of hardship but no they rather welcome it so they can complain or abuse others or do unethical things.

Is it a DNA thing? A culture thing? An environment thing?

First, this is not about people / founders who have no say or control of the world their in like people faced with drought. Clearly almost everyone is going through some economic and social pressures. Whether it’s anxiety over food, money, war, housing, security, job, health, future, etc We always have some power to make life easier for ourselves and our families or co-workers or friends.

Quick Summary of Habits That Usually Make Life Harder

Key Tip: Everything in moderation and remember you are the captain of your thoughts so feed it good constructive things.


When you keep seeking solace in sensual pleasure thinking it will make you happy.Seeking pleasure moderately is okay however if it’s all the time, it does more harm than good. For example, drinking Coke with all your daily meals.


Taking anger out at others or yourself. There are times we are responsible for the outcome of a situation. Take responsibility for its failure, learn from it…don’t go around taking out your anger on others.
Simply learn to be the master of your emotions not the slave. There’s nothing worst than pointing your anger at the wrong people, especially your allies. Cause if you burn the relationships with your allies like your wife / kids / friends / employees you are screwed.

Empathy & Apathy

When you lack empathy (the ability to take on another’s perspective, to understand, feel and possibly share and respond to their experience.) you become a apathy (lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern about something. It is a state of indifference). For some people this can be a difficult emotion however without some sense of empathy you will likely make life with others harder. And any indifference to problems is only going to keep the problem alive.


Worrying doesn’t do you s&^%#. It just waste your time and energy. Focus on solutions. Focus on how to get advice / suggestions. Focus on problem solving. Keep you worries in check. Take the actions to resolve your problems ASAP. If you’re desperate, please weigh your risk to benefit seriously.

Eliminate Doubt

You technically can’t 100% eliminate doubt but you can keep it in check. You know what most people do to reduce their doubt? They go and develop confidence, skills, knowledge, practice, relationships, etc to help overcome doubting thoughts.


  • Waiting until the last minute to complete a task
  • Not leaving yourself enough time to get somewhere
  • Saying “yes” to too many plans
  • Holding in your emotions
  • Staying at a job that makes you miserable
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Staying in toxic and/or abusive relationships
  • Not listening when others speak
  • Being closed-minded
  • Having toxic friends or toxic family members too close
  • Not trusting yourself
  • Dwelling on the negative
  • Self-sabotaging
  • Complaining without taking action
  • Not asking for help when you need it
  • Telling lies or stealing
  • Never exercising
  • Never taking calculated risks
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Being afraid to say “no”
  • Not keeping a personal hygiene routine
  • Lacking some form work-life balance
  • Holding on to grudges
  • Worrying about things you have no control over
  • Worrying about things way too far in advance
  • Keeping up with bad habits instead of trying to break them
  • Taking yourself too seriously
  • Not going to the doctor when you feel sick
  • Not going to scheduled check-ups
  • Worrying about other people too much
  • Not eating regularly
  • Being a “control freak”
  • Forgetting to practice self care
  • Making impulse buys you can’t afford
  • Not asking for what you want
  • Not asking for what you need
  • Not planning important things far enough in advance

Coping With Life’s Stressful Hard Circumstances

  • Take care of your body and mind and spirit
  • Taking deep slow breaths can help you calm down
  • Look into meditating, visualization exercises
  • Getting higher quality sleep
  • Take the time to improve your diet so consume less junk food
  • Improve the relationships with friends, family, and partner
  • How you feel and the way you react to things can influence the outcome
  • Make sure you have an outlet to process stress in a healthy way don’t dump it on others
  • We all know sometimes financial stress can also create feelings of shame and fear but that’s no reason to hurt yourself and loved ones
  • You can be the master of your thoughts not the slave
  • Reciting affirmations is an easy way to boost your confidence
  • The world is constantly changing so get use to change and being uncomfortable
  • Occasionally listing your life goals and write what actions are you going to take obtain it
  • Find out how you’d like spend your time and still meet your essential needs
  • Fit physical fitness workouts into your schedule
  • What steps can you take right now to potentially change the situation?
  • In the face of adversity try to be proactive or active type of response
  • Actively being grateful for the good things in your life can help
  • Everyone has problems and no one has it perfect


[People often find themselves facing unnecessary challenges and complexities in life, often self-inflicted. From struggling with time management to grappling with perfectionism, the ways in which individuals make life harder for themselves are varied and deeply ingrained. This article delves into common behaviors and mindsets that contribute to making life more difficult than it needs to be. By exploring key themes such as overcommitment, poor communication, and self-care neglect, readers can gain insight into their own patterns and find strategies to navigate towards a simpler, more fulfilling existence.] – AI Content Generator



Lack of Effective Time Management

Procrastination as a Time Management Issue

[Procrastination is the art of delaying tasks until the last minute, turning a manageable to-do list into a chaotic mess. Procrastination often stems from a mix of fear, lack of motivation, and a talent for finding distractions like binge-watching cat videos.] – AI Content Generator

Distractions and Time Wasters

[In the battle against distractions, we face formidable foes like social media, the never-ending scroll of memes, and the siren call of online shopping deals. These time-wasters chip away at our productivity, leaving us wondering where the day went.] – AI Content Generator

Perfectionism and Unrealistic Expectations

Fear of Failure and Perfectionism

[Perfectionism is like chasing a unicorn – you’re always reaching for an ideal that doesn’t exist. The fear of failure and the desire for perfection can paralyze us, leading to a cycle of self-doubt and second-guessing.] – AI Content Generator

Comparison to Others’ Standards

[Comparing ourselves to others is a surefire way to make life harder. Each person’s journey is unique, and trying to measure up to someone else’s standards is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – frustrating and ultimately fruitless.] – AI Content Generator

Overcommitment and Prioritization Issues

Saying ‘Yes’ to Everything

[Saying ‘yes’ to every request is a recipe for burnout. Overcommitting can lead to spreading yourself too thin, scrambling to meet multiple deadlines, and sacrificing your own well-being in the process.] – AI Content Generator

Difficulty in Prioritizing Tasks

[Prioritizing tasks can feel like solving a Rubik’s Cube – confusing, frustrating, and sometimes impossible. When faced with a mountain of tasks, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds and lose sight of what truly matters.] – AI Content Generator

Poor Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills

Lack of Active Listening Skills

[Communication is a two-way street, but without active listening skills, it’s more like a one-way ticket to Misunderstandingville. Failing to truly listen can lead to missed cues, misunderstandings, and unnecessary drama.] – AI Content Generator

Avoidance of Difficult Conversations

[Avoiding difficult conversations is the equivalent of sweeping dust under the rug – it may seem hidden, but it’s still there. Tiptoeing around tough topics can lead to unresolved issues, pent-up frustration, and a whole lot of emotional baggage.# How People Make Life Harder: A Humorous Guide] – AI Content Generator

Neglecting Self-Care and Well-Being

Importance of Self-Care Practices

[Let’s address the elephant in the room: self-care isn’t just about face masks and bubble baths (although those are great too). It’s like watering a plant – neglect it, and it wilts faster than your enthusiasm for Monday mornings. Taking time to recharge and care for yourself is as vital as that first sip of coffee in the morning. So, go ahead, indulge in some self-care; your sanity will thank you.] – AI Content Generator

Burnout and Its Warning Signs

[Burnout isn’t just a trendy term – it’s a sneaky ninja that creeps up when you least expect it. Suddenly, you’re binge-watching Netflix at 3 am because your brain can’t handle adulting anymore. Recognize the signs: constant fatigue, irritability, and a strong urge to book a one-way ticket to Tahiti. Prioritize your well-being before burnout turns you into a grumpy sloth with a caffeine addiction.] – AI Content Generator

Failure to Set Boundaries

Understanding Personal Boundaries

[Personal boundaries are like fences that keep the drama llamas out of your life garden. They define where you end and where others begin, without turning you into a fortress. It’s okay to say, “This is my bubble, and you can’t pop it.” Setting boundaries isn’t rude; it’s self-love in disguise.] – AI Content Generator

Saying ‘No’ Without Guilt

[Repeat after me: “No” is a complete sentence. You don’t need a ten-page essay justifying why you can’t attend your third cousin’s pet rock’s birthday party. Boundaries are like a superhero cape – they give you the power to say no without turning into a people-pleasing puddle of stress. Embrace it; your mental health will thank you.] – AI Content Generator

Procrastination and Avoidance

Root Causes of Procrastination

[Procrastination is the art of delaying tasks like a pro, turning a molehill into Mount Everest in your mind. Whether it’s fear of failure, overwhelm, or just a sudden urge to rearrange your sock drawer, procrastination can sneak up on you like a ninja in the night. Identify the root cause, and you’re one step closer to conquering it.] – AI Content Generator

Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

[Ready to kick procrastination to the curb? Break tasks into bite-sized chunks, reward yourself for small wins, or channel your inner cheerleader to get things done. Remember, procrastination is a mood; it’s not a lifestyle. Take charge, and watch your productivity soar like a majestic eagle riding a thermal wave.] – AI Content Generator

Resistance to Change and Growth

Fear of the Unknown

[Change is like that rollercoaster you’re not sure you want to ride – thrilling yet terrifying. Fear of the unknown can hold you back, trapping you in a comfort zone that’s cozier than a pile of freshly laundered socks. Embrace the discomfort, and who knows? You might discover a newfound love for rollercoasters (metaphorically speaking).] – AI Content Generator

Embracing Change for Personal Growth

[Change isn’t always comfortable, like those jeans you swear fit perfectly in the store. Embrace it anyway; it’s the catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Step out of your comfort zone, even if it feels like wearing mismatched socks – awkward at first, but liberating once you own it. Change is the spark that ignites your potential; don’t let it fizzle out.In recognizing these common pitfalls that complicate our lives, there is an opportunity for growth and positive change. By addressing these challenges head-on and implementing practical solutions, individuals can begin to simplify their lives, reduce stress, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being. Embracing self-awareness and making conscious choices to overcome these obstacles can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.] – AI Content Generator

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