Case Study
***These case study are meant to demonstrate what marketing and our marketing efforts and offerings can help improve your service business.
We have created a mashup of experience from us, team members, partners, and other third party to bring this invaluable insight..
Like we tell every prospect, we encourage test drive before we commit and we encourage you start off with a test drive. Because we have to be able to work together.

The Power of Social Media Marketing: That Helped Double Mobile App Download
General Quick Brief:
An App developer wanted to launch, create awareness and get downloads for their consumer focused app. So the idea of a contest to encourage use of the App was utilized. By getting people to engage, interact with the app and making it very easy for users to also share their experience.
The Client:
Was a client with their consumer personal app, name left out. Their target were young professionals trying to balance work & life. So because their targets were already tech savvy they heavily-promoted, engaged through social media networks.
And due to the numerous choices in the wellness categories the client needed extra effort in creativity to stand out.
The Challenges:
To get the target to buy into a win-win contest which required strong user participation and sharing with friends, family, and other social circle s. Which hopefully indirectly leads to more awareness for the app and the approval of the app could then lead to download.
Understanding what it takes to get likes, re-tweets, comments, fun, viral, the benefits, education, and social experience.
The Execution:
Together we set out to reach out to top influence of our targets and getting them to try our app, join in on our unique user campaign which we created by learning from other successful app launch / campaigns.
We made sure to measure every little thing we did and everything our targets were doing with our app or on their social media. By using keywords searches, hastags, unique url, specific landing pages, headings and offer variation. We duplicated the things that were fueling momentum and reduce the ones that weren’t working
Leveraging user generated content to inspire us, learn from, and optimize the ones with traction. We came up with more invaluable content that was also consumed.
The Result:
We managed to figure out what really appealed very well and what brand personality resonated with our targets.
Even though this was like a blitz like campaign we manage to double our users app download in less than 4Weeks working long hours . A daily dedicated effort to have people see and hear about the app..

The Power Of Content Marketing: That Helped Improve Impression & Prestige For Financial Service Firm
General Quick Brief:
There will come a time in business where selling your service requires the education of prospects prior to them buying. A client was looking to assert their superior value in the market place so they adopted multidimensional content campaign. Which was meant to position them as a authority in financial service industry. Through research of superior service providers in and outside their industry they were able to come up with a plan.
They manage to optimize their content so it was easy to find, content was more professional and of a higher quality and was designed to encourage a specific target to engage and then convert to qualified leads.
The Client:
A financial service organization that provides alternative financing for industrial and manufacturing companies. An example of products might be a business ability to borrow against account receivable.
The Challenges:
The challenge this financial service organization faced was how to step up their image, going up market, while not alienating their modest markets and progress.
The organizations capabilities were not keeping up or excelling in a more digital driven buying journey.
There was a need to adopt new cultural philosophy in marketing and sales and quality standards.
There was a need to really identify who the new targets are going to be and what kind of content would appeal to them, then encourage them to do business with us?
The Execution:
We needed to show them examples of superior quality insights that pulled opportunity instead of a spray & pray chase. So they redid their content experience by hiring good writing staff, delegated someone to manage the overall brand and uphold the new standard.
Increase engagement, introduce more marketing leads into the sales pipeline and build a content marketing strategy that would have long-term sustainability
At some organization, marketing is more shoot first and then ask question. We offered an approach of understanding the the world through their targets eyes then we delivered content or experience that will be relevant.
To create an original monthly or quarterly that blows the minds of their targets and made them gravitate to the firm. With enough data and experience or intellectual power one can always offer more value in terms of quality content.
The strategic recommendation of content based on previous target selection helped keep users spending more time on site.
The Result:
The financial service provider has managed to eliminate poor quality content and emphasis on constant display of quality and the producing of quality. Which has more premium prospects spending time on site, and inquiring.
They managed to attract several huge prospect and have seen the tremendous positive response in their new positioning in the market.

The Power Of Inbound Marketing: That Helped A Half A Century Year Old Traditional Company Raise Its Modern Marketing IQ
General Quick Brief:
When you are a proven and successful enterprise with powerful influence in the community you operate in, sometimes you take success for granted. A 40 year old office supplies organization that has a service that’s been delivering record profits for many years. Now it needs modernization or a new life.
The Client:
This office supplies organization operates in numerous regions, in numerous communities and has maintained its traditional marketing approach for many years, word of month and very little in the form of securing it’s position. Has maintained client relationship with other mature and traditional organizations. And never really tried to engage the new digital business.
The reality today is that businesses come in different sizes, operated by diverse individuals of different backgrounds. And different form one uses to drum up and keep them coming back has changed.
The Challenges:
To have a diverse workforce that can serve diverse clients. Especially minorities and women business owners and solo-entrepreneurs..
The team needed to know what they might keep and what they might revamp in their operation and in their marketing.
Do we need to update and modernize everything from the ground up gradually or in one big move?
We attract and appeal to the changing demographic. Redo logo, brand communication, customer service & processes, equipment, more online and mobile transactions, training, location renovations, media, values, etc
The team also realized they needed to start paying attention to digital marketing channels and leverage it to stay relevant.
The Execution:
Everything we did was have enough room to work with management on what they want their reincarnation to be like. Will they need new culture to succeed? Will they just need some education to catch up. A more general site and responsive site?
Taking the time to learn their history, watching their every move in and out, how they dealt with customers, what personality were domineering in their organization and brand?
So considering more family friendly community events and sponsorship, got involved with local schools and formed partnership with businesses servicing business operators who were not their competitors. Had workshops in their buildings early in the morning, at lunch time, in the evenings to drum up traffic and PR to their revamped identity.
Relaunched website, and image and social media presence was increased
We built out diverse content similar to the major business news organization but we just focused on the local community and original user experiences and stories.
This is usually a lot of work that involves a lot of stakeholders.
We tested out color schemes, new logos, and typography, new images,
Encourage everything we needed for inbound marketing, that suited them, the goal was to spread the word of their new exciting identity and possibly tweak it if needed.
With social media we can use it as a way to find out what works rather than guessing or forcing things on people. Just like Gap clothing company learned the hard way by trying to change their logo which customers found to be less attractive.
Learning content management, distribution, schedule, and real time marketing and the importance of content objectives.
The Result:
The new accepted image and message. Are more confident being able to run inbound marketing. The brand has attracted more minority and women run businesses. It’s a more energetic brand.
Engagement online and offline grew by 500%.

Get in touch!
Stop wasting time and money by doing this all by yourself. Modern marketing and it’s management involve a lot more. We can assist you & your team.
We’d love to hear from you or have a project in mind? lets talk. ***No guarantees of results!