MBHVIM Real Estate

If companies like BlackRock and others seem to be buying into residential & commercial real estate more & more then clearly it’s a good business. However investment in real estate, in our opinion, shouldn’t be about systematically accumulating properties to then shut out regular people from the home ownership. We don’t claim that’s what they and others are doing, we just know MBHVIM REI (All may / may not be affiliate to MBHVIM Corp. ) plays on the side of community sustainability – community diversity – economic diversity.

Not everyone wants to be a renter all their lives and we believe creating affordable housing is just as critical to social & economic stability.

The MBHVIM Real Estate Investment Business is all about being conservatively strategic cause it’s a long game for us. And that we strive to be fair and because we value relationships & reputation


Learn The Basic of MBHVIM REI Fundamentals

  • We look at it as a win-win-win service
  • It’s not profit at all cost
  • It’s opportunity to own a piece by tenants / talents / investors / others
  • Most often no fix and flip business
  • Loans are based on the property
  • In some countries the term multifamily generally mean 5+ units
  • Classes of Buildings: Class A, Class B, Class C
  • Location, Location, Location
  • Line up multiple exists
  • Good cash flow management
  • Quality products leads to quality appreciation
  • Fair professional property management
  • Good company management and talent / team members / partners
  • Gain economics of scale
  • Community involvement as well as working with employers
  • We only partner with those who are in / experience in the REI profession
  • We do not approach non-accredited investors
  • We do not approach non-REI educated individuals or institutions
  • All accredited investors, in official binding discussions, are welcome to vet each other

Learn The Benefits & Risks

  • Possible inflation protection
  • Possible tax benefits
  • You could lose some or all your money
  • We will put our own money and sweat capital in the deal
  • You could get your principle plus more


Basic MBHVIM REI Process

  • Meet diverse credible people
  • Build the team
  • Do the People Due diligence
  • Do the Market Due diligence
  • Do the Physical Due diligence
  • Do the Properties Financial Due diligence
  • Do the Legal Due diligence
  • Do the Tax Due diligence
  • Do the Vision Due diligence
  • Do the Forecasting
  • Do the SWOT Due diligence
  • Do the CREST Due diligence
  • Negotiate Well & Fair
  • Promote to right & qualified investors / partners
  • Establish proper entity and structure
  • Make adjustment to properties if needed
  • Know and prepare all exit or hold options
  • Give back principal with profits when ready
  • Pick good properties
  • Pick at good price
  • Pick a product with reasonable amount of buyers
  • Pick a reasonable turn around
  • Use quality material and quality skills
  • Automate wherever and whenever
  • Do the work & work smart not hard

We Buying? Have Properties In The Following Conditions?

We may be interested in buying properties in condition below.

Are you currently facing any of these situations?

  • Are You In Foreclosure or Are About To Be?
  • Do You Own Unwanted Rental Property?
  • Do You Have Frustrating Tenants (Or Family Members) That You Can’t Get Rid Of?
  • Do You Own A Vacant Property?
  • Did You Inherit An Unwanted Property?
  • Do You Need To Relocate Quickly And Need To Sell Your Current House Fast?
  • Do You Want To Avoid Paying Realtor Commissions?
  • Are You Going Through A Divorce?
  • Do You Have Little Or No Equity And Need To Sell?
  • Do You Own A “Fixer Upper” That You Don’t Want To Fix Up Or Don’t Have Time To Fix Up?
  • Do you just don’t care any more?

Frequently Asked Questions For Properties Sellers

Hey we know you may have questions. Please reach out via our contact form. We strive to buy properties that meet our purchasing criteria at the moment.

  • We strive to buy at the right price point.
  • It will still be win-win-win.
  • We will assess it in many ways.
  • Preferably North America.
  • Only owners not agents, can engage us and if we’re interested we’d follow up.
  • If we don’t follow up, please wait a couple of weeks.
  • We will not pressure or manipulate.
  • We’ll try to be fair.

Us Selling?

When it comes to selling properties, in the right circumstance we may sell however long term works best for us. And plus maybe when we build more portfolio.

Pros and Cons of Real Estate Syndication

Like any real estate investment, there are pros and cons to real estate syndication.


  • If you are the Sponsor(s) you can tap into more capital to grow your real estate portfolio without spending all your own money.
  • You as sponsor get to grow your network which you could use to pool the funds to make more quality investments.
  • Your investors can be passive investors, earning income without taking the risk of investing in real estate alone.
  • They basically share the P & L responsibility with a pool of other investors.
  • Investors don’t need experience in real estate investing since the sponsor does everything.
  • Investors don’t take on 100% of the liability. Every investment has risks, but they aren’t funding the entire real estate property.
  • As an investor you can put your money in multiple Syndicated Investments


  • It’s a lot of work for sponsors to find the team, deal, game plan, risk management, legal, tax, qualified investors and then pool enough money to start a real estate investment momentum.
  • Sponsors need a decent amount of capital, skill and knowledge to start the investment.
  • Investors have no control over the real estate investments. They become like Limited Partners.

Determine if real estate syndication will work for you!

This all depends on things like: your stage in life, comfort level, risk-tolerance level, net-worth, obligations, like to be active or passive, etc. However take into consideration that payout from real estate investments doesn’t happen over night. So make sure to get with the right driver in the right vehicle.

Does MBHVIM REI Operate in Canada & United States?

MBHVIM REI is just a real estate investment company (independently operated) created to handle real estate asset & its management in United States and in Canada. Our focus leans towards multifamily, mix use , financial services.

We’re still relatively young with diverse experiences in / out of real estate however hope one day to handle multi-millions in real estate assets. As well as serving our communities constructively. Also we’re in a position to work with credible ambitious upcoming individuals interested in Real Estate in exchange for only vested equity.

MBHVIM REI’s investment approach has multiple phases, see above for process detail.

Having Real Estate Investing Team?

Real Estate Investment or investing is not for one man / one woman show. It takes a great team to deliver and perform 24/7 365Days. A real estate investing team is a collection of professionals.

  • Someone sourcing deals
  • Someone finding financing
  • Someone doing due diligence
  • Real estate investments property managements
  • Make sure your spouse or life partner is a good fit
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Lenders
  • Contractors and Handymen
  • Bookkeeper
  • Accountant
  • Lawyer
  • Insurance Agent
  • Property Manager
  • Customer Service
  • Training
  • IT

Your team are like business partners and they should be comfortable with the good times and bad times.

Building relationships with conventional and private money lenders is wise for any real estate investor. Relationships with contractors and handymen. Hey you might learn how to fix a few things yourself. Relationships with all kinds of credible people is important.

Tip: No matter what business relationship you get into, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!

Understanding The Real Estate Asset Classes

It’s made up of the following. Multifamily, industrial, office, and retail are considered the four primary categories, but there are many subcategories and smaller asset classes. At the end of the the the all national and local market conditions affect each asset class differently.

Risk Profiles For Different Real Estate Asset Classes

  • One type of Class, are likely the perfect condition where everything lines up. Highly desirable locations in major markets, quality tenants, stable income, low maintenance, and low problems –you will likely have stable income however not much significant growth.
  • Another type, Value-add properties typically have some management or operational problems. This usually comes with some work however it can provide a more better ROI multiple. The beginning may be a little rough.
  • Another type, the worst of everything. Location is bad, building is bad, income is not consistant, it may come with a whole lot of problems.

Note, regions and markets change everyday so it’s best to seek the areas that will eventually rocket. It’s a lot like buying stocks. Buy at the right time and get out at the right time. Tough to time however there always trends & patterns.

The Common Real Estate Success Metrics

  • Do not get too sloppy with your calculations
  • Good understanding of real estate finance and business operation.
  • Net Operating Income, this is a calculation that equals all revenue and costs from a particular property. An estimate of your income potential.
  • Operating Costs typically consist of landscaping, insurance, materials, services, property management fees, utilities, cleaning fees, and property tax.
  • Cap Rate, often calculates the value of income-producing properties. The “cap rate” also known as capitalization rate. Estimates the future profits or cash flow. This is simply the ratio of net operating income to the property asset value.
  • Cash On Cash, provides investors with a rate of return on their real estate transactions. It’s often used for those who use financing to purchase their properties. Cash on cash measures the return on invested cash invested relative to the portion that was financed. And others like Loan To Value Ratio, Debt Service Coverage Ratio

We may add a visual in the future. Image Here

Real Estate Financing Types

There are many types of financing solutions. There are many creative way to do it.

  • Conventional Loan
  • Commercial Bridge Loan
  • Hard Money Loan
  • Loan
  • Crowdfunding
  • Syndicated
  • Individual & Family & Friends funds

Real Estate Investing Mistakes To Avoid

  • Know what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do
  • Minimize your risks and increase chances of success
  • Try to get it right the first time.
  • Avoid financial ignorance
  • No sloppy due diligence
  • Not being local, region, macro market educated
  • Work with quality teams to save you future expense and future time
  • Know the programs that work for individuals or asset class may not work for others
  • Not networking and building relationships
  • No follow through and perseverance
  • Not understanding how to organize syndication & funds & Distribution