MBHVIM Press: Website & Server Technical Difficulties With Our Sites

NY, SF, TO, July 09, 2023 — MBHVIM Corp, the private management company that supports entities like GreatestFounders™, Founders Under 40™ Group, BJM (BJ MANNYST), MBHVIM REI, Community Platform and others, today informs site users & visitors that it’s mbhvim.com site is down however a new site mbhvimcorp.com will be up shortly.

Some of you (users, members, vendors, partners, etc) may have been inconvenienced and disturb, the issue will be address.

At the moment all it’s links urls and content links, and information, services, contact info, etc. can be found via mbhvimcorp.com.The cause of the website issue is still not 100% clear…let’s just say it likely may have been a technical difficulties or process error.

We apologize for the inconvenience and / or possible questioning perceptions about our existence. In the mean time you could take the old urls & old email addresses and just replace it with “mbhvimcorp.com”…that should work.

For example:

https://mbhvim.com/ is https://mbhvimcorp.com

https://mbhvim.com/about-mbhvim to

https://mbhvim.com/bjm-marketing-services to

https://mbhvim.com/bjm-marketing-services/bjm-marketing-services-resources to

All other entity or platform sites connecting to mbhvim.com like our extended community should be back online before end of August 2023.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Any relevant questions could be emailed to “support[at]bjmannyst[dot]com” or “support[at]mbhvimcorp[dot]com”

The Lesson For Us & Recommend To Other Credible Businesses:

  • Pick your provider very carefully. Even if they have great reviews study the negative reviews
  • Have access to a great IT person
  • Chose the right technology for your business today and for tomorrow
  • Stay on top of billing and payment cause some companies could double charge or have billing errors
  • Stay on top of your providers and spot any operation issues at their end
  • Be prepared, even for a disaster
  • Storing your backup on-site and off-site
  • Verify your backup, backup your software, backup equipment
  • Be proactive. Be prepared
  • Take security concerns seriously 24/7
  • The cheapest may or may not be the best
  • Get an IT tuneup often
  • Practice proactive maintenance and support
  • Come up with a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan
  • Inform your customers, vendor, partners, banks, etc.
  • Get your business and employees a great virtual private network (VPN) and make sure you can trust your VPN.
  • If you use certain platforms you could have more frequent attacks if you don’t address the holes. For example, not having a strong company Wi-Fi authentication process.
  • Always use 2FA for everything
  • Create a RED TEAM


The disruption was impactful, however we had contingencies in place, thankfully. Again, We apologize for the inconvenience and / or possible questioning perceptions about our existence or status. In the mean time you could take the old urls & old email addresses and just replace it with “mbhvimcorp.com”…that should work for now.

All data is safe from our understanding. Thank you for your patience and understanding,

MBHVIM Corp Management Team

About MBHVIM Corp

MBHVIM, MB Holdings Venture I. M. , is simply a private management company that holds, invests, and managers some diverse assets. At our primary core initiative is our Marketing Services offerings (Affiliate), our Business Services offering, our Founders Services offerings and future Real Estate opportunities (Affiliate) which are all operated independently to ensure the development, management, success of our partners.

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