So You Run A Small Medium Commercial Design & Build Business That Needs Marketing Boost

I, Emmanuel “Manny” , have gone through the trouble to write this insight to impress someone “Big” and as well as demonstrate to construction / commercial and home service businesses that their sales & marketing is not a lot fundamentally different from other business services.
The following insights are meant to be pretty general so if you are looking for more advance and personalized thoughts, contact us. Whatsapp us or visit:
In the general contractor role, sure there are some regulatory standards to follow, tax & legal precautions. material handling guidelines, manpower supervision, insurance, best practice processes as well as considering the economical climate.
I’ve always wondered around home depot, huge building suppliers warehouses, and wonder how they service the multitude of home service and commercial services design & build contractors and the numerous sub-contractors rushing to pickup tools and material. It’s a beautiful sight early in the morning.
What usually comes to mind is that, the reality is that each one of those service providers needs to follow the same processes. Figure out a way for prospects to go to you first before your competitors, figure out your estimate, figure out who you have for manpower, so you can complete the job on time and on budget, and get it done the clients satisfaction.
I don’t claim to have all answers for general contractors design & build service businesses. However If you feel you are weak in the modern digital marketing area, it’s important to seek training or the assistance of experts or partners. Because the more competitive an industry is the more sales, business development, people development and marketing becomes the difference maker.

- Commonly before you started your business you clearly stated the need you wish to fulfill with your offer. So if you have your sights on being a general commercial contractor then you must have some idea what that role & business type implies.
- You have a target market in mind and you know how to reach them.
- Hopefully you know what the market landscape looks like both from a traditional and digital point of view. You have actual proof and supporting documents for your understanding.
- Some times you can jump in and feel your way to success.
- You could just use unscientific approach and just ask people what was their experience like with general contractors, HVACS, carpenters, painters, plumbers etc, where did they find them? What are their likes & dislikes?
- What do we need to do to produce results and stop wasting time on activities.
- It’s a competitive space so you might want to be extra creative has to how you distinguish yourself from the crowd. You need to know who you are up against, where did they position themselves, what are their price points, who is on their team, why are they more successful.
Your Beautiful Ps
- Every single product and service business still needs to always consider it’s marketing mix such as price, promotions, place, people, etc this sounds pretty basic however executing this part is art and science.
- There are times you have your common communication mediums like: websites, social media, telephone, mobile app, etc you still need to strategically consider what message, image, color, tone, interaction, video, content or person needs to be presented? Depending on your market position or your strategy, you will also need to decide the level of quality.
- If you could use an extra hand, contact us and I’d see how we can help, please note we also provide marketing services to smb service organization. If you checkout our resource page you can find a lot of resources. Keep this in mind, “time, money, and effort” are still crucial to continuous success”
Selling Is Still Crucial
- Don’t believe all the experts who tell you selling is dead. It’s still well and alive however it’s taking on the form of consulting selling complimented by digital marketing.
- So take sometime this weekend to learn the art of selling.
- What prospecting steps will you need to take?
- Do you have a good one sentence explanation of what you do and what solutions you offer?
- What benefits?
- Do you have a document that you can send prospects a full detail of your services?
- Do you know how to qualify and sort out prospects?
- Do you know how to overcome objections?
- Do you know how to educate your prospects and clients?
- Do you know how to persist?
- Do you have a followup procedure?
- Do you think you can be the best at selling or marketing, if not, find someone who loves sales and marketing?
- Do you know how to manage you time?
Your Service Business Operation
This part of the business will be more administration which means chances are that it could take you away from your passion like fixing HVAC problems. So take some time to write up a business plan that includes cost analysis, equipment requirements, transportation, business structure, legal agreements, federal regulations, state laws, local laws, insurance and bonding, registration, licenses, hr, organizational structure, contracts, job descriptions, advisers, reference sources, etc so you know what you are getting into.
So know what you love to do and what you hate to do. If you are well establish, then keeping things as simple as possible will do your organization good.
We Still Need These Crucial Skills
The following are just as important as your ability to renovate someones kitchen, bathroom, house, or commercial property. Accounting, advertising, marketing, project management, scheduling, computer savvy, business savvy, people skills, analytical skills, math skills, organizational skills, team player, trades, construction techniques, safety, measuring, blueprint reading, communication skills, in some cases demanding physical work, etc
So this is Your World However Winning Requires Marketing
It’s a lot better to gain some experience and knowledge before you go into any business. General contractor or construction in general is a world of bidding and building process. A competitive and complex industry but can be very rewarding.
Belonging to associations, clubs, unions can help. Tonnes of used vans, trucks, tools, equipment waiting for new life. The need for daily routine is a life saver. Have a good relationships with financial providers, family, friends, community leaders, influences, etc
The way it works today is that most people are willing to take a chance with new businesses or new providers as long as there’s a way to minimize their risk.
So the above insights are a 101 for general contractors or subcontractors just starting out or well establish design & build firms.
***Also checkout our quick consultation section
***If you are in need of further marketing help, I & BJ Mannyst Team will offer special consultation marketing services, limited time, to start-ups and early growth stage service business (have seed or customers/users). Some condition apply. Contact Us Today
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