BJM: How to Build Insights and Analytics Teams For Your Professional / Construction / Real Estate / Finance Service Business

 Whether you are in construction, finance, media, marketing, human resources, recruiting, real estate, technology, hospitality, energy, etc you are going to want to know what happened in the past, today, real-time, future short term and in the future long term…

BJM:  Marketing Your Real Estate Investment Opportunity & Deals

[Real estate investment opportunities have long been recognized as a lucrative venture for individuals seeking to grow their wealth. With the ever-increasing demand for housing and commercial properties, the real estate market offers a promising arena for investors. However, effectively…

Services Needed For Real Estate Flippers & Investors 101

[Flipping real estate has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its potential for substantial profits. The concept of real estate flipping involves purchasing properties, renovating them, and then reselling them at a higher price. However, for aspiring real…

How MBHVIM Investments Would Allocate $25 Million USD Dollars of Funds For 2023 – 2026

Some of you might have had front row sit to our journey and evolution. And to be honest that painful evolution continues till today. And that unquenchable desire to address the pain and suffering we witnessed and experience through 2008…

BJM: Compliance Considerations When Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology in Finance Marketing

[Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has revolutionized various aspects of the financial industry, including marketing strategies. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and make intelligent predictions, AI offers tremendous potential for enhancing customer experiences, improving efficiency, and driving…

How Founders & Investors Can Become Money Magnets in Uncertain Times Like Elon Musk

There is no founder, entrepreneur, VC, sales person, PE, investor, or pretty much anyone who doesn’t want to attract more resources, Specifically more money. Money! Money! Millions! Millions! However the secret to getting it may not be chasing it 24/7…

How You & Founders Could Be Supporting and Sponsoring Communities During Inflationary Times

Inflation is everywhere. Housing affordable crisis is everywhere. Everyone is under stress. Founders, CEOs, SMB are terrified of the uncertainty. Small Businesses are not sure how they will make the numbers work. Parents are concerned. In some parts of the…

BJM: How To Optimize Customer Experience Through Inflationary Times With a Comprehensive Set of KPI Measurements

[In today’s highly competitive business landscape, providing an exceptional customer experience has become a key differentiator for organizations. To effectively enhance and optimize customer experiences, businesses rely on a comprehensive set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that help measure various…

What Business and Marketing Lessons Every Founder, Investor, Real Estate Developer Can Learn From Taylor Swift & Beyonce

Marketing and Business lessons from two great women. Okay first, before you get too excited…our group spent hours discussing this question before the topic above. “Which one is more terrifying AI (Artificial Intelligence) or the growing Women Empowerment.? ” Everyone…