Building Your Commercial Real Estate With Crowdfunding 101

[Commercial real estate crowdfunding has emerged as a popular and innovative investment avenue, revolutionizing the way individuals participate in the lucrative world of commercial real estate. This modern financing method allows investors to pool their resources through online platforms, collectively…

BJM: The Importance of Data Quality for Successful AI & Data Driven Marketing Campaigns

[Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for digital marketing campaigns, enabling businesses to leverage vast amounts of data to create targeted, personalized experiences for their customers. However, the effectiveness of AI-driven campaigns is only as good as the…

BJM: Digital Marketing For Service Business In Uncertain Times

[In times of economic uncertainty, service businesses need to be strategic and innovative in their marketing efforts to stay afloat. Digital marketing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to attract and retain customers during recessions. By utilizing various…

MBHVIM Press: Website & Server Technical Difficulties With Our Sites

NY, SF, TO, July 09, 2023 — MBHVIM Corp, the private management company that supports entities like GreatestFounders™, Founders Under 40™ Group, BJM (BJ MANNYST), MBHVIM REI, Community Platform and others, today informs site users & visitors that it’s…