BJM: How To Optimize Customer Experience Through Inflationary Times With a Comprehensive Set of KPI Measurements

[In today’s highly competitive business landscape, providing an exceptional customer experience has become a key differentiator for organizations. To effectively enhance and optimize customer experiences, businesses rely on a comprehensive set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that help measure various…

What Business and Marketing Lessons Every Founder, Investor, Real Estate Developer Can Learn From Taylor Swift & Beyonce

Marketing and Business lessons from two great women. Okay first, before you get too excited…our group spent hours discussing this question before the topic above. “Which one is more terrifying AI (Artificial Intelligence) or the growing Women Empowerment.? ” Everyone…

Top Tips for Finding the Right Partner for a Real Estate Joint Venture 101

[Embarking on a real estate joint venture can be a lucrative and rewarding opportunity for investors. However, finding the right partner to collaborate with is crucial for the success of such ventures. The right partner can bring valuable skills, expertise,…

BJM: How to Discover Digital Insights About Your Customers & Close B2B Faster 101

[As businesses operate in an increasingly digital landscape, understanding customers and their behaviors has become paramount for success. In this article, we explore the significance of digital insights in gaining a deep understanding of customers. Digital insights refer to the…

BJM: Strategies for Implementing Price Increases in the B2B Uncertain Market 101

Before you take action about adjusting your business prices, packages, services, etc. Make sure you think long and very hard. ‘Cause you could either end up shooting yourself in the foot or making more money to stay alive. Especially during…