How Founders, Investors, Real Estate Brokers Can Help Reduce Bad Stress Behaviors In Inflationary Times

[In today’s fast-paced work environments, stress has become a common companion for many employees. Unfortunately, stress often leads to unhealthy behaviors, such as stress eating, which can have detrimental effects on physical and mental well-being. Understanding the relationship between stress…

BJM: How to Adhere to Brand Guidelines for Real Estate, PropTech & Service Providers 101

Importance of Brand Guidelines for Ontario Canada & Midwest USA Real Estate Professionals, Construction Service Providers, Lawyers, Accountants, Health Care, Financial Professionals, Real Estate Investors, Property Managers, FinTech, B2B, etc. ENJOY! [Brand guidelines serve as a crucial framework for maintaining…

Techniques for Maintaining Motivation and Avoiding Burnout When Faced with Constant Demands 101

[In a world that demands constant performance and productivity, it is essential to maintain motivation and avoid burnout. Whether it’s in the workplace, academia, or personal pursuits, staying motivated in the face of relentless demands can be challenging. However, understanding…

BJM: Strategies for Implementing Price Increases in the B2B Uncertain Market 101

Before you take action about adjusting your business prices, packages, services, etc. Make sure you think long and very hard. ‘Cause you could either end up shooting yourself in the foot or making more money to stay alive. Especially during…